Steak Lovers merupakan Resto & Cafe, tempat para pecinta Steak.Dengan menu yang variatif Steak Lovers menawarkan suatu hidangan steak (daging, ayam, ikan) yang nikmat bagi para pecinta steak, disamping menu steak, menu lain yang di sajikan seperti soup, dimsum, aneka sandwich, dan lain-lain..Semua menu di Steak Lovers adalah halal mulai dari bahan yang digunakan, proses memasak sampai dengan penyajian.
Resto & Cafe Steak Lovers beralamat di Jl.Kemang Selatan No.31, Jakarta Selatan, selain tempatnya yang sangat strategis, SteakLovers juga menawarkan suatu konsep resto & cafe, cukup nyaman dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas wifi bagi para profesional muda untuk senantiasa menjelajahi dunia maya. Bagi anda yg suka membawa keluarga, Steak Lovers mengakomodasinya dengan melayani segala kebutuhan yang selayaknya didapatkan oleh keluarga anda.Dari sisi harga , SteakLover's memberikan harga yang relatif murah dengan rasa istimewa.
Jangan tunggu lagi, buruan ke SteakLover's, tempat para pecinta steak dan rasakan nikmatnya menyantap steak kesukaan anda.
In the United State a typical steak dinner consists of a steak, with a starchy side dish, usually baked potatoes, but occasionally another potato dish, rice, pasta, or beans. A small serving of cooked vegetables often accompanies the meat and side, with corn on the cob, green beans, creamed spinach, asparagus, tomatoes, mushrooms, peas, and onion rings being popular. A well-known accompaniment to steak is shrimp or a cooked lobster tail, a combination often called “surf and turf” or “reef and beef” and “Pier and steer”. Rounding our an American steak dinner is some sort of bread, usually a dinner roll.
In France, steak is usually served with French fried potatoes also known as “frites”, and the combination is knows as “Steak-frites”. Vegetables are not normally served with steak in this manner, but a green salad may follow or (more commonly) be served at the same time. This is also the case in the united kingdom.
In Italy, steak was not widely eaten until after WWII became the relatively ragged countryside does not readily accommodate the space and resource demands of large heard of cattle. Some area of Piedmont and Tuscany, however, were renowned for the quality of their beef. Biestecca alla fiorentina is a well-known specialty of Florence; it is typically served with just a salad or Tuacan beans. From the 1960 onward, economic gains allowed more Italians to afford a red meat diet.
In the Balkan region, steaks is often rubbed with mustard and pepper, and marinated in vinegar and vegetable oil for up to a week. It is then fried in butter, and a slice of toast is then used to soak up the pan drippings. The steak is served on the toast and topped with optional fried egg and a sprig of parsley.